2019.11.14 Roelof Boelens (荷兰Utrecht大学教授)学术报告会

2019.11.14 Roelof Boelens (荷兰Utrecht大学教授)学术报告会


报告题目:Protein Complexes in Cell Regulation

报告人:Roelof Boelens (荷兰Utrecht大学教授)

报告时间:20191114日星期四09:00 ~ 10:00



Rolf Boelens is professor of biomolecular NMR spectroscopy at Utrecht University. From 2014-2016 he was head of the Department of Chemistry. He studies structure and dynamics of proteins and protein complexes, with emphasis on protein-DNA complexes in transcription and DNA repair, and develops methods for biomolecular NMR and computational modeling of biomolecular interactions. His research resulted in over 340 publications (> 14000 citations, h-index 63).

He participated in a number of European projects such as the structural genomics project SPINE2-Complexes, coordinated the NDDP project for modeling protein-drug interactions using NMR data and the Joint Research Activities of the European Research Infrastructure projects EUNMR, EastNMR and BioNMR. He is co-organizer of the EMBO school on Multidimensional NMR in Structural Biology and coordinates the European Research Infrastructure for NMR, X-rays and EM for Translational Research (iNEXT).

