2019.10.09 Takeshi Imai 教授(Kyushu University)学术报告会

2019.10.09 Takeshi Imai 教授(Kyushu University)学术报告会


题目: Imaging Neuronal Circuits with Tissue Clearing


报告人:Takeshi Imai (Kyushu University)


报告时间:2019.10.9 上午930-1030





Neurons in the brain communicate with each other at synapses. A typical pyramidal neuron in the brain receives inputs from >10,000 synapses. Many of the excitatory synapses are formed at a small protrusion of dendrites, known as dendritic spines. However, their distribution on a whole-neuron scale has not been fully established due to technical limitations. We previously developed a tissue clearing agent, SeeDB2, which is optimized for high-resolution fluorescence imaging. The refractive index of SeeDB2 is matched to that of immersion oil (1.518), allowing for volume imaging with high-NA oil-immersion objective lenses with minimal spherical aberrations. Combined with Airyscan microscopy, our strategy allows for large-scale analyses with a constant spatial resolution of ~150 nm in x-y and ~300 nm in z, which is sufficient to quantify the number and size of dendritic spines unambiguously. Here we performed comprehensive high-resolution mapping of dendritic spines in layer 5 cortical pyramidal neurons in mice, and found that the spine density is highly biased along apical dendrites, forming a spine density “hotspot”. The spine density at the hotspot increased during adolescence, when other parts of the dendrites underwent a moderate reduction. Thus, the spine density is dynamically controlled during adolescence to form mature cortical circuits.



Imai教授2001年本科毕业于日本东京大学生物物理与生物化学系,于2006年获得东京大学生物物理与生物化学专业博士学位,先后在Japan Science and Technology AgencyRIKEN Center for Developmental BiologyKyoto University等著名研究机构开展科研工作,于2017年起,任九州大学医学院全职教授。Imai教授长期从事气味识别和嗅球神经环路的研究,在ScienceCellNature NeuroscienceNeuron等顶级权威杂志发表多篇学术论文,曾获日本先驱科学学会博士研究生奖、Science/AAAS 青年生命科学家奖和日本MEXT青年科学家奖。
