报告题目:Centrosome cycle in cell proliferation and tissue development
时间:7月22日 上午9:30
报告人简介:傅静雁,中国农业大学教授,博士生导师。2004和2010年在北京大学获本科和博士学位。2010至2016年在英国University of Cambridge从事博士后研究。2010年获得EMBO Long-Term Fellowship并于2011年获英国皇家科学院Royal Society Newton International Fellowship;2018年获国家自然科学基金委“优秀青年科学基金”资助。一直以来聚焦研究细胞增殖和分化过程中亚细胞结构的动态变化。以果蝇和哺乳动物细胞为模型,利用超高分辨率显微镜研究中心体在细胞对称或不对称分裂、细胞分化过程中的动态变化以及功能,进而研究在肿瘤以及中心体相关遗传病中细胞发生异变的机理。相关的研究成果发表在Nature Cell Biology,Journal of Cell Biology,PNAS等杂志。
报告摘要:The centrosome is a highly conserved organelle that serves as the main microtubule-organizing center. It comprises of two orthogonally arranged centrioles surrounded by a mass of protein-rich matrix. In many cell types one centriole provides a template for cilium assembly. Extra copies of centrosomes are common features among cancer cells, whereas defects in ciliogenesis cause a wide range of human diseases including microcephaly and a group of disorders collectively known as the ciliopathies. We have used super-resolution microscopy to investigate the organization of centriolar and peri-centriolar proteins as mitotic and meiotic centrosomes mature for M phase, and describe the architectural arrangements of proteins essential for the canonical duplication of centrioles in cultured cells and Drosophila tissues. Such knowledge of the relative positioning of these molecules within a single centrosome then directed us to the analysis of protein-protein interactions that are crucial for centriole duplication and tissue development.